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3D Film: Turning the cinema screen to a window on reality

[Flickering My Myth]

[Philip Lelyveld comment: this paragraph is a good articulation of the situation.  The rest of the article is standard background info.]

It’s difficult to argue against immersive 3D being the next technical step in cinema, but is it necessary as a way of telling a good story? Well, no, it isn’t. But then again, sound and colour aren’t necessary either. Cinema was doing just fine when someone realised how to work a microphone in the late 1920s, but audiences liked sound and it turned out a few years later they liked colour too. The third dimension is a tool that can be used as a cynical box-office boost, or it can be used to heighten the viewing experience to window-like proportions. It’s there to be rejected or embraced by you the viewer, depending on how you like your cinema served. 

Regardless of your position on 3D it’s hard to argue that, if done with the right care and artistry, a window to a great story would be very nice indeed.

Read the full article here:


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