News Stories

An amazing 3D sound game for children


Brett Paine Murphy developed the SoundStage tabletop board game for children (or adults) to explore 3D audio in a playful way. I experienced SoundStage at the recent Dumbo Arts Festival in Brooklyn, NY, and was bowled over by the sound. It was a breathtaking display of technical virtuosity, but one that a 6-year-old child could enjoy. More specifically, SoundStage uses a double quadraphonic sound system with four speakers arranged in a square, and four more speakers closer to the floor. Within the eight-speaker sound cube there’s a 2-foot square table, illuminated from below, and a large number of “sound objects” (animals, musical instruments, and an assortment of planes, cars, etc.) arranged around the perimeter of the table. Each object has its own sound. …

Read the full story here:


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