News Stories

Ang Lee's 'Life of Pi' Stuns CinemaCon Audience With 3D Visual Poetry

[The Wrap]

“Life of Pi,” director Ang Lee’s 3D adaptation of the best-selling novel, left the audience of movie exhibitors at the CinemaCon convention breathless on Thursday with its stunning, visually poetic shots of an Indian boy stranded on the open sea with a Bengal tiger.

The 3D images of the young protagonist (Suraj Sharma) battling a tiger, a storm and a school of flying fish did more to illustrate the ground-breaking possibilities of the technology than 10 “Amazing Spider-Mans” or “Men in Black.”

“The real movie will be more moving, and more spectacular,” promised the overly humble Lee from the theater stage, who has said elsewhere at the convention that learning how to shoot in 3D was a struggle.

Lee showed only about 20 minutes of footage of the film which hits theaters at Christmas, but it was enough to dazzle audiences, and hold out the prospect of both box office success and critical acclaim. If “Avatar” was 3D’s “Birth of a Nation” than Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi” may be its “Citizen Kane.” …

Read the full story here:



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