News Stories

Are You Guys Nuts?

IMG_6870“Are You Guys Nuts?” David Wood, deputy director of the EBU Technical Group, asked the HPA Tech Retreat attendees this question during its 3D Super Session.

“I love stereo,” he said. “But I think there are some things that we simply don’t know yet and should think about.”

Wood asserted: “3D will never die, it keeps coming back like a politicians promise. But if it will succeed, its time is now. But is that enough? We owe it to ourselves to research the economic and behavioral issues. We owe it to the public to research the physical effects.

He raised many questions:

–Does 3D ever turn from ‘wow’ to ‘ho-hum?’, he asked, pointing out that there have been repeated cycles of 3D. Was it just sloppy image registration, or is it possible that the public got tired of it?

–How does 3D change the viewers’ behavior? For instance, do they view for longer or shorter lengths of time?

–Does everybody win? Different parts of the value chain have different key requirements for success.

–Who should make 3D TV standards? Is a common standard for 3D TV doable? Do they need to be worldwide or regional standards?

–Will Blu-ray and games lead to fragmentation?

–Do we “get” 3D production? And are we sure it will suit all sports?

–Will there still be eye irritation even after the left/right alignment? To this point, Wood asserted: “Is half a dozen people working on this enough for a billion dollar industry? There should be more. What we have is anecdotes. I think we should add a word of caution (to viewers), until we know the scientific evidence.”


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  • To advance technology and innovation within the entertainment industry
  • To provide a neutral setting for the entertainment industry, technology and electronics companies and to identify and discuss pressing issues
  • To understand the impact of technology on the consumer experience and the creative process
  • To connect and leverage the University of Southern California’s extensive research facilities, faculty and student body with companies
  • To provide insight about emerging consumer habits
  • To convene industry peer groups and partners to share knowledge and experience
  • To create an environment for testing and evaluation of proposed technology solutions
  • To help identify new business models for the entertainment industry
  • To improve the consumer experience and advance the art of entertainment as the 21st century unfolds

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