News Stories

Asia's moviemakers embrace 3D revolution


A 3D horror movie set in a public toilet block is part of a revolution underway in the Asian film industry as low-budget 3D productions take on the big studios at their own game.

At the 16th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), audiences have been lining up to see the likes of multi-million dollar 3D productions “The Three Musketeers” and the re-imaged version of the local monster hit “The Host”.

But there?s also been a groundswell of support for two debut features that use the same cutting edge digital technology to help entertain at a fraction of the price.

“When I first started thinking about making a 3D film I thought about all the special effects but I wanted to use it to exaggerate what people are seeing in more normal situations and to then blur the lines between fantasy and reality,” said the director.

Park said 3D technology was a format more independent filmmakers were exploring, even though in the beginning they might have to work through a process of trial and error.

“At the moment, for small filmmakers, we don?t have a lot of knowledge about how 3D films are made,” said Park. “You have to figure it out for yourself. I spent nine months in post-production and I never really turned my computer off. I had to solve all the problems myself.

“But this is my first 3D feature so I knew I had to take everything on — and 3D is becoming more and more a part of the film medium.”  …

See the full story here:


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