News Stories

For The Ultimate Nerd: $150 Tron 3D Glasses

For many nerds, the brand new Tron: Legacy movie is a film they’ve been waiting for for 30 years. It is going to be more than a movie; it’ll be an event. And Oakley, a niche manufacturer of specialized 3D glasses, understands that. That’s why when you go see the new Tron movie in theaters, it wants you to bring along its special Tron 3D glasses.

Yeah, Disney has toiled with this movie for years and years, and has state-of-the-art 3D technology that will likely rival what everyone to date has said is the best use of 3D movie tech to date, Avatar. So why would you go into the movie with the theater’s cheap disposable 3D glasses?

“The premiere of TRON: Legacy is a great opportunity for us to introduce moviegoers to the unique innovations of Oakley 3D eyewear,” said CEO Colin Baden.

Baden promises that the special Tron-branded 3D glasses will provide viewers with the highest fidelity 3D experience possible in movie theaters across the country.

The catch? These glasses cost $150, and cannot be used on stereoscopic 3D TVs or any sort of home 3D media. You can, however, use them for all 3D movies in theaters. But then you’ll actually be a guy who brings his own 3D glasses to the movies. There aren’t too many of those…

Nevertheless, if you’re an ultimate Tron fan, you gotta check these out.

by Jordan Cressman

original post:


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