News Stories

'Hugo's' Ben Kingsley: 'I Can't Act in 3D'


In many ways, we think of 3D as just another special effect. But “Hugo” doesn’t treat it like that at all. It uses 3D to say, “Come into this space where our story is happening.”

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Marty does bring you into the world, and he uses 3D to surround you with that world: the railway station and the toy shop and the apartment and the little hole in the wall where Asa lives. He pushed 3D round a very important corner, I think.  He’s done it.

Did shooting in 3D change how you did your work?

Yes. Every gesture you make has to be linked directly to the narrative. Nothing can be arbitrary. Nothing can be explained. I learnt a long time ago, you must never explain anything to the camera, because it doesn’t need it.  All it needs is to see the behavior of the character. It doesn’t want to see any acting. The camera is allergic to acting, it hates it. But the 3D camera has such x-ray capacity that you almost have to modify your acting to a terrifying degree.

Read the full story here:


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