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is 3D Sound Design the Next Big Thing In Pictures?

[Fun Fair Films]

Binaural sound design

These days 3D movies are on the forefront. Their popularity is indisputably growing with a fast pace. This brings up the question where audio is standing within the cinema standards or the film industry in general. It could be said that it did not evolve in the same way as the image did even though it has the same potential (or perhaps even more) to be as natural and intuitive as a 3D image.

Binaural audio is the ultimate listening experience since it comes very close to the human listening habits, therefore it provides a far more realistic audio image as the common surround standards in cinemas do. On the down side, it requires headphones, but then again 3D image requires glasses. Of course in the near future it will be possible to watch 3D movies without glasses, but also the audio technology is moving towards solutions to get rid of headphones. One attempt is the use of ultra sonic speakers, which are very precise speakers that can be pointed onto a person so that the outgoing audio signal only reaches the wanted listener and not his neighbour. …

Why should we use it now? …

How would it affect the filming process…?  …

It is not just a gimmick! …

The possibilities that binaural sound design offers are amazing! …

Binaural Music Project + funfairfilms …

Read the full story here:







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