News Stories

Nagravision Demos 3D EPG

ProductLogo.ashxNagravision is demoing Nagra Media Guide, a 3D implementation of an Electronic Program Guide that could be used for TV or the Internet.

The technology—for which 3ality Digital is a strategic partner—was used for two recent demos: Sky 3D, scheduled to launch in Korea in 2010; and Virgin Media, at its London store on Oxford Street.

dreyer“A lot of set-top box makers are looking at how to roadmap 3D,” explained Nagravision’s Frank Dreyer.  “We deliver the user experience, middleware and technology integration.  Our goal is to take the 3D user experience and technology required for distribution to actively productize the technology so that an operator would use it.”  Dreyer reported that the company is in active discussions with potential partners.

Nagravision is also hoping to test the ability to do online, Web-delivered, secure 3D TV in 2010.


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