News Stories

Nintendo 'holds back' finished games until after Christmas in wake of disastrous 3DS launch

[Daily Mail]

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata admitted that the company was ‘holding back’ some finished games for its 3DS console, which has been blighted by poor sales since launch. 

Putting off game launches until after Christmas – typically the big sales period for video games -is a highly unconventional move for a games company.

Iwata also admitted that the software for the launch period was an error – and that some players find the console’s glasses-free 3D indigestible.

‘Of course, not 100 players out of 100 will say that 3D is wonderful. But we have confidence in Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 3D and we believe that majority of people will realize how 3D viewing can be used in video games.  …

Nintendo chopped its forecast for sales of 3DS software by 30 per cent to 50 million units for the year to March, but left its 3DS hardware forecast at 16 million units for the year, a target fund managers said might be hard to achieve.

Read the full story here:


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