News Stories

SCA Students Speak on the Future of Entertainment

The ETC welcomed a panel of nine undergraduate students from the USC School of Cinematic Art to give their own insights on the trajectory of interactive media at the December 13, 2018 All Members Meeting hosted by Fox Studios.

The hour-long forum that covered topics from social media habits to storytelling strategy was condensed into a six-minute highlight reel on our YouTube channel below. The ETC is looking to produce these student panels on a quarterly basis this year — twice at our Executive Board Meetings and twice at our All Members Meetings. We highly encourage our member companies to attend and join the conversation at these upcoming sessions.


  • Sydney Sanchez, Cinema & Media Studies / Political Science
  • Chandler Toffa, Film & TV Production / Chinese
  • Samantha Sadoff, Film & TV Production / Gender Studies
  • Anissa Santos, Media Arts & Practice / History
  • Joshua Masters, Digital Arts & Animation
  • Brenda Chen, Digital Arts & Animation / Video Game Design
  • Justine Sophia, Film & TV Production / Documentary
  • Rom Lotan, Peter Stark Producing Program
  • Roahith Raj, Interactive Media and Games


Our Youtube channel can be found here
Watch the vNAB videos below



  • To advance technology and innovation within the entertainment industry
  • To provide a neutral setting for the entertainment industry, technology and electronics companies and to identify and discuss pressing issues
  • To understand the impact of technology on the consumer experience and the creative process
  • To connect and leverage the University of Southern California’s extensive research facilities, faculty and student body with companies
  • To provide insight about emerging consumer habits
  • To convene industry peer groups and partners to share knowledge and experience
  • To create an environment for testing and evaluation of proposed technology solutions
  • To help identify new business models for the entertainment industry
  • To improve the consumer experience and advance the art of entertainment as the 21st century unfolds

ETC Events


ETC Quarterly Board Meeting (closed meeting)
(March 6)

ETC Quarterly All Members Meeting (closed meeting)
(March 21)