News Stories

Sensio 3D Initiatives: Internet Library, Console Gaming

At CES Sensio announced the launch of a 3D Internet content library for streaming 3D movies to Internet enabled 3DTVs or STBs. The content library currently consists of about 50 films and is available to existing VOD providers.

Sensio has also announced increased efforts at enabling 3D console gaming by providing a software kit to developers that will encode the 3D game output into a number of 3D formats. This is particularly useful for the Xbox 360, which doesn’t natively support any 3D formats for gaming.

Finally, Sensio Autodetect is a licensable technology for TV manufacturers that can detect practically any 3D format and display it on TV with less than one frame of latency, meaning consumers won’t even know they’ve changed 3D formats. (See related story on Autodetect.)


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