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To 3D Or Not To 3D: Choose The Right Captain America Ticket

[Philip Lelyveld Comment: CinemaBlend reviews the 3D aspects of 3D theatrical features, and not story, acting, etc.]


Does It Fit?
Not every movie is suited to 3D, the technology works best on big, splashy, summer blockbusters which is, of course, what Captain America: The First Avenger is.

Fit Score: 3/5

Planning & Effort
First the bad news. Captain America was not shot in 3D. It’s a 3D post-conversion. That’s not ideal, but it’s also not always a recipe for disaster. Post-conversion can work if the movie is shot in 2D with the conversion in mind. Director Joe Johnston chose to shoot in 2D on purpose and, knowing that it would eventually be converted to 3D, planned his movie with that in mind.

P&E Score: 4/5

Beyond the Window
Done right 3D can be used to give the illusion of depth. It creates the feeling that instead of looking at a picture projected on a flat surface, you’re looking through a window into another world which exists just out of your reach on the other side of the screen. Captain America not only does that, it does that better than any other 3D post-conversion has before.

Beyond The Window Score: 5/5

Before the Window
Done right 3D can make it seem as though objects in the movie are actually out in front of the “window” or the box outline of the screen or even make it seem like things are flying over your head.

Before The Window Score: 3/5

When you put on a pair of 3D glasses, you’re basically wearing sunglasses in a movie theater. … He finds light sources everywhere, enough to keep his picture bright and engaging.

Brightness Score: 4/5

The Glasses Off Test
…t the blurrier the images you see the more fully utilized the movie’s 3D is.

Glasses Off Score: 5/5

Audience Health

A lot of care and effort went into making this movie what it is, and the results are perfectly executed

Health Score: 4/5

Read the full review here:


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