News Stories

USC 3D Technology Center a trailblazer for the 3D Summit

In anticipation of the 3D Summit now taking place at the Hollywood/Highland Center, the people at the Entertainment Technology Center at USC put together a presentation on Monday, September 19th 2011 including a guided tour by Mr. Phil Lelyveld—Center Director who graciously conducted a tour and directed our attention toward the future of 3D.  …  There were several stations set up…displays of various 3D advertisements such as a Harry Potter poster, a Coca Cola ad and a Transformer’s poster all in “Lenticular Left to Right” format which were basically those kinds of 3D images that change depending on the angle they’re viewed.  There were also Phantoglyphs that require the use of those old fashioned red on one side blue on the other glasses.  Then there was an “Azuna” image viewable from any direction.

The next room had two view screens both of which utilize a different 3D technology and require a different type of glasses. …

The next room is where they had all of the gaming equipment on display. One of the most amazing objects was a hood developed by Sony that you place over your head and once on the user is immersed in a 3D virtual reality environment.  …

Read the full story here:


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  • To advance technology and innovation within the entertainment industry
  • To provide a neutral setting for the entertainment industry, technology and electronics companies and to identify and discuss pressing issues
  • To understand the impact of technology on the consumer experience and the creative process
  • To connect and leverage the University of Southern California’s extensive research facilities, faculty and student body with companies
  • To provide insight about emerging consumer habits
  • To convene industry peer groups and partners to share knowledge and experience
  • To create an environment for testing and evaluation of proposed technology solutions
  • To help identify new business models for the entertainment industry
  • To improve the consumer experience and advance the art of entertainment as the 21st century unfolds

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