News Stories

Watch Avatar in Stereo 3D With James Cameron’s Preferred Settings

(Phil Lelyveld question: Do you think this will attract or scare away potential 3DTV buyers? Please comment)

Panasonic has made available a special page, dedicated to providing James Cameron’s Preferred Settings for watching Avatar in 3D on a Panasonic 3D HDTV and these settings take advantage of the “Advanced (isfccc)” mode that the television sets have. This initiative is due to the fact that the company is bundling their line of Viera 3D-capable Plasma HDTVs along with a Blu-ray 3D version of the movie Avatar, an exclusive deal that probably will delay further the availability of the movie as a standalone product. And I’m curious if these settings are recommended just for watching Avatar, or they will be good for watching movies in general… I will have to try them and compare to the default THX settings for example when I start testing my new Panasonic VT20E HDTV, although I do not have Avatar on Blu-ray 3D yet 😉

Here are the recommended settings from James Cameron for Avatar 3D (for European TVs)…

Switch “Advanced (isfccc)” to ON.

Set the “Viewing Mode” to “Professional 1″.

Set the “Contrast” to “48″.

Set the “Colour” to “33″.

Set “White Balance” to the following values:

– Move the scale of “R-Gain” 10 times to the right.

– Move the scale of “G-Gain” 8 times to the left.

– Move the scale of “R-Cutoff” 2 times to the right.

– Move the scale of “B-Cutoff” 1 time to the right.

Set “Colour Management” to the following values:

– Move the scale of “R-Hue” 3 times to the right.

– Move the scale of “G-Hue” 4 times to the left.

– Move the scale of “R-Saturation” 3 times to the right.

– Move the scale of “G-Saturation” 11 times to the right.

– Move the scale of “B-Saturation” 8 times to the right.

Set “Gamma” to “2.4″.

Switch “24p Smooth Film” to OFF.

Switch “3D 24p Film Display” to OFF.

– To visit the official James Cameron’s Preferred Settings page on Panasonic’s website…

– To visit the official James Cameron’s Preferred Settings for Asia on Panasonic’s website…



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