News Stories

Not Your Father’s HD Cable – HDMI Cables Get Sophisticated

HDMI cables have obviously been around for a few years and consumers have had loads of buying options — a stiff cable the size of a thick rope in whatever color you choose. However, with some fancy engineering a few HDMI cable manufacturers are really pushing the envelope on thin and flexible cables.

RedMere makes active HDMI cables that are mind-blowingly thin and flexible (pictured right).

RedMere uses active signal boosters on the source end of the cable, eliminating the need for bulky sheathing to prevent signal degradation. Whatever they’re doing it’s working because the cables look more like dental floss than anything you’ve seen with the “HDMI” label on it before.

Then there is KCD who makes HDMI cables bent at right angles or even hinged connectors (pictured left). And, yes, I already introduced KCD to RedMere so they could make the perfect thin and hinged HDMI cable…

But if what you really need is a cable that is up to 55 meters long, but can be run under carpet or along the baseboard out of site, you need to step up to Hentek’s flat HDMI.

No matter where you are trying to mount your AV equipment, rest assured someone out there is making an HDMI cable that will connect to it.


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